Cashless society

  1. 3. Difference between cash and non-cash
  2. 5. a place where someone keeps money and can take it anywhere
  3. 8. on technology, and cyber risks, What are the negative impacts of electronic money in society?
  4. 9. What crimes can be committed with non-cash money
  5. 10. what is meant by non-cash money
  6. 13. Nowadays, people use more cash or non-cash money.
  7. 15. Why should banks limit non-cash transactions
  8. 16. Why is cash widely used nowadays
  9. 18. What are the negative potentials for people who use non-cash money?
  10. 19. on technology, will cash work in remote areas?
  11. 20. it easier What are the advantages of electronic money
  1. 1. what are the advantages of electronic money?
  2. 2. as time progresses, can non-cash money still be used?
  3. 4. doesn't work if the system in electronic money fails or has problems, what happens?
  4. 6. if people travel to foreign countries They do not worry about payment transactions because there are payments
  5. 7. what are the benefits we can get from non-cash?
  6. 11. If there is no internet, how do we make transactions?
  7. 12. Nowadays, people use more cash or non-cash money.
  8. 14. does bank interest increase or remain the same if you use electronic money to make transactions?
  9. 17. Inhibiting factors of electronic money