Cat Among The Pigeons

  1. 4. First murder weapon
  2. 5. Location of two murders
  3. 6. Why did miss Chadwick kill miss vansittart?
  4. 9. Only boy on school
  5. 10. How did mrs Sutcliff travel?
  6. 11. Where was princess Shaista hiding?
  7. 12. Who is the murderer?
  8. 14. What was mademoiselle Blanche try to do with killer?
  1. 1. School name
  2. 2. Where was jewellery found?
  3. 3. What was happening in Ramat?
  4. 4. What did miss vansittart take with her to defend herself?
  5. 7. Third murder weapon
  6. 8. Second murder weapon
  7. 13. Which character guessed the murderer correctly?