Cat Breeds Bonanza!

  1. 4. What type of breed is Bingus?
  2. 5. Long haired, fluffy, and incredibly posh. Most of these cats seem like they're frowning with their squished faces.
  3. 6. Russian cats, these guys are also known as Moscow longhairs!
  4. 8. Domesticated short haired tabby cats, bred to represent a tiger.
  5. 11. One of the largest domesticated cat breeds. Every single one of these fluffy kitties has blue eyes.
  6. 12. Their tails resemble raccoon tails!
  7. 13. One of the oldest kitties around, which breed of cats has distinctive blue eyes and brown-tipped feet?
  8. 14. Developed by breeding sable Burmese and black American Shorthair cats, to produce a cat of mostly Burmese type, but with a sleek, panther-like black coat
  9. 15. A cross between Burmese cats and Chinchilla Persian cats. Originates in the United Kingdom.
  1. 1. Thought to be a mix of the Siamese, Russian blue, and
  2. 2. These kitties have ears that fold over and lay close to their heads.
  3. 3. Known for their distinct roman noses, blue eyes, and white feet
  4. 7. Has a short, "bobbed" tail and short fur.
  5. 9. This cat has a sleek, shiny, "blue" gray coat.
  6. 10. This kitty is round all over! From the head, to the feet, to the tips of the ears. These cats originate at the Thia-Burma border.