Cat Breeds, Housing and Equipment

  1. 3. A cat has free-floating___ blades
  2. 6. Female cat
  3. 7. A breed standard describes________characteristics.
  4. 9. Example of an established cat breed
  5. 10. Short for Cat Fanciers Association
  6. 11. Number of toes a cat's front feet
  7. 12. A cat's toes are ____
  8. 14. Number of toes on a cat's hind feet
  9. 15. Example of a hybrid cat breed
  10. 16. The last step before a breed is accepted as a registered breed
  1. 1. Example of a mutated cat breed
  2. 2. Equipment used to confine and move a cat from one place to another
  3. 4. Cat's have ___-slit pupils
  4. 5. Describes a meat eating animal
  5. 8. Disposable absorbent material used in a litter box
  6. 13. Example of a natural cat breed