cat terms

  1. 2. a domestic and wild cat mixed together
  2. 3. avoids human contact and acts wild
  3. 5. hair forming on an cat's outer fur.
  4. 6. small itchy pests
  5. 8. a baby kitten
  6. 11. The name for the cats family
  7. 12. A plant that makes cats go crazy
  8. 15. hard to see markings
  9. 16. The main association for cat breeders
  10. 17. A cat that there ancestors are all the same breed
  11. 18. lower layer of hair that grows closest to their skin
  12. 19. a group of baby kittens
  1. 1. 2 colors together
  2. 4. How cats express or communicate to others
  3. 7. A cat lover
  4. 9. More toes than normal
  5. 10. A long-haired version of a cat
  6. 12. a place that keeps and cares for many cats
  7. 13. collection of hair that forms in the stomach of a cat
  8. 14. How the cat looks or evaluates