Catching Fire 1.1

  1. 2. strong emotions for someone/something
  2. 4. Katniss' best friend and love interest
  3. 8. to do something against the law
  4. 9. the place where Gale works in district 10
  5. 11. a place where a lot of trees are
  6. 12. being honest about what happened
  1. 1. the male hero and love interest of Katniss
  2. 3. people that don't like the rules
  3. 4. a competition where there is only one winner
  4. 5. someone that you can always count on
  5. 6. the female hero (also called a heroine)
  6. 7. to be by yourself
  7. 10. visiting all the districts to get support
  8. 13. catching animals for food