Catching Fire

  1. 1. A high-security facility in District 12 where Gale is confined for his role in the rebellion.
  2. 3. Peeta's skill with this food becomes essential for survival during the Hunger Games.
  3. 6. In the Capitol, this is a big celebration with extravagant parties and events.
  4. 10. Different regions in Panem, each with its own industry, from which tributes are selected for the Hunger Games.
  5. 12. The ultimate goal for tributes is to achieve this, marking their survival in the Hunger Games.
  6. 14. The harsh and unjust treatment of the districts by the Capitol, leading to rebellion.
  7. 15. A powerful symbol of rebellion, representing hope in Panem.
  8. 18. Katniss feels this way when faced with an unexpected twist in the Quarter Quell Hunger Games.
  9. 19. The person responsible for making tributes look good for the Hunger Games.
  10. 20. Characters experience this emotional state as they grieve the loss of loved ones in the Games.
  1. 2. The dangerous and ever-changing environment where tributes must fight for survival.
  2. 4. The tool or instrument used for combat in the Hunger Games.
  3. 5. The young participants selected to compete in the Hunger Games.
  4. 7. The title given to the tribute who survives the Hunger Games.
  5. 8. The act of rising up against the Capitol, sparked by the actions of Katniss and others.
  6. 9. Tributes ride this luxurious mode of transportation to reach the Capitol for the Hunger Games.
  7. 11. The wealthy and powerful city ruling over the districts, known for its extravagant lifestyle.
  8. 13. An object or sign, like the mockingjay, that carries a deeper meaning.
  9. 16. A person who works closely with President Snow and plays a big role in the Capitol's plans.
  10. 17. The powerful emotion that Katniss embodies, inspiring others to resist.