Catching Fire

  1. 2. Katniss' stylist
  2. 4. Sells goat in District 12 pg. 155
  3. 6. Katniss' favorite peacekeeper
  4. 8. District 8 teacher escapee
  5. 9. District 12 chaperone/escort
  6. 11. Traitor of the capitol, cut out tongue
  7. 14. Gale's mom
  8. 16. Madge's Father
  9. 19. Gale's 4-year-old brother
  10. 20. New head Gamemaker
  1. 1. Baker's son
  2. 2. Last name of the executed former head gamemaker
  3. 3. New head peacekeeper
  4. 5. One of Gale's crewmates- pg. 110
  5. 7. District 8 student escapee
  6. 10. Peeta's stylist
  7. 12. President of Panem
  8. 13. Woman who sticks up for Gale at the whipping post pg. 111
  9. 15. Butcher in District 12
  10. 17. Katniss' prep team member; green skin
  11. 18. One-armed woman who sells white liquor