Catching Fire

  1. 3. To be quick and skillful in action
  2. 9. Is unpredictable or not normal
  3. 10. Being Bold or arrogant
  4. 14. A feeling of trust and loyalty among a group of people
  5. 15. To not have, lack , or completely without[something]
  6. 16. To arrest someone or take into custody
  7. 17. A cloth placed over a dead body
  8. 19. To walk in leisurely manner or in idle
  9. 22. Someone who attacks and is violent
  10. 23. Concerted herbal extracts
  11. 24. To get out of something slowly or ooze out
  12. 25. Deceitful speech or action
  13. 27. In a week, month, days and year or doing something each day
  14. 28. To be always active or changing
  15. 30. Very plentiful
  16. 34. Tending to provoke
  17. 36. To reach a high point
  18. 38. To have a different opinion or disagree
  19. 41. Happened accidentally or a surprising piece of luck
  20. 42. Be apologetic or remorseful
  21. 43. To take without consent or permission
  22. 45. A cushion can be used for your knees
  23. 46. Deserving a strong dislike or hatred
  24. 49. To be unsure or uncertain
  25. 50. to be completely in love with someone
  26. 51. T chew repetitively or engage in contemplation
  27. 53. A substance the increases the rate of a chemical reaction
  1. 1. A review or speaking about something in the past
  2. 2. To conquer or bring into subjection
  3. 4. To cause a beginning of or start
  4. 5. To annoy, irritate or bedevil
  5. 6. Unable to move on with something or really focused
  6. 7. This lukewarm or moderately warm
  7. 8. Showing remorse or sorrow
  8. 11. Causing hatred or strong dislike
  9. 12. Permitting the passage of light
  10. 13. Done in secret
  11. 18. Being rude or having a crude manner
  12. 20. A big wave or a surge of water
  13. 21. Very emotional or dramatic
  14. 26. A person who is unpredictable or impulsive
  15. 29. A planned travel or route
  16. 31. Shakiness or nervousness
  17. 32. Disliking greatly with disgust
  18. 33. To calm someone down
  19. 35. Very ugly or absurd
  20. 36. A person to trust secrets with
  21. 37. Impossible to refute
  22. 39. An outdoor porch with a roof
  23. 40. Having a fear of enclosed spaces
  24. 42. The leftovers of something
  25. 43. To go up, climb up or rise
  26. 44. Thoroughly wet
  27. 47. Talking fast, smooth or usually in a colorful manner
  28. 48. Something very obvious
  29. 52. An outcast