Catching Fire #3

  1. 3. When something is in large quantity or number
  2. 8. When someone reaches a highest development or when they climax
  3. 9. Mutual trust amongst people who spend a lot of time together
  4. 11. When something is not regular or is uneven
  5. 12. Remaining somewhere when most people have left
  6. 15. This often signifies rudeness or means that the action is to blunt
  7. 16. An exaggerated behavior to get attention
  8. 17. When someone walks in a slow relaxed manner
  9. 18. When someone is thinking deeply about something
  10. 19. When someone is unsure about something
  1. 1. A fast and long speech or story
  2. 2. Someone who tells a secret to someone else and trusts them to keep it private
  3. 4. To start something
  4. 5. When someone or something is disgustingly ugly
  5. 6. When someone is obsessive with someone or something
  6. 7. When someone is completed lacking of careless
  7. 10. The cloth that is placed around a dead person
  8. 13. Mentally unstable
  9. 14. Extremely unpleasant or uncomfortable