Catching Fire #4

  1. 1. Something that is satisfying or quench.
  2. 4. Arrangement or elements.
  3. 5. Depends on how far or near you are to something.
  4. 6. To move swiftly and uncontrolled way.
  5. 9. Someone or something that struggles with opposing.
  6. 12. adorn with ribbons or garlands.
  7. 14. Irresolutely between choices.
  8. 15. To have a circular course.
  9. 16. To get rid of whatever is impure.
  1. 1. Used in order to achieve one’s goal
  2. 2. Behavior or speech that is indiscreet.
  3. 3. To make/become faster.
  4. 7. To not trust someone or something.
  5. 8. Existence about seemingly at random.
  6. 10. To make known/public.
  7. 11. Not affected by alcohol.
  8. 13. Difficult to find, catch or achieve/do.