Catching Fire 8-11

  1. 7. Arrest someone for their crimes.
  2. 8. Expressing guilt or remorse.
  3. 10. Fake, never happened
  4. 11. A firm clump of matted grass.
  5. 13. An active threat
  6. 14. Partially see through.
  7. 16. A lukewarm liquid.
  1. 1. Extremely unpleasant or repulsive.
  2. 2. Plant or animal material
  3. 3. A plant with jagged leaves and that stings.
  4. 4. Made normal.
  5. 5. Undeniable evidence.
  6. 6. Trembling or shaking slightly.
  7. 9. Done obviously
  8. 12. A substance that promotes chemical reactions.
  9. 15. A person despised by society