Catching Fire Vocabulary

  1. 5. pertaining to or characterized by sadism; deriving pleasure from extreme pain cruelty
  2. 6. to suppress
  3. 7. a sudden, complete or marked change in something
  4. 9. boldness or daring,
  5. 12. lack of interest or concern
  6. 13. poisonous or spiteful
  7. 14. fear of small, airless spaces
  8. 17. something disadvantageous
  9. 18. looking or directed backward
  10. 19. pacify appease
  11. 20. to do good to
  1. 1. ominous; predictive
  2. 2. resistance
  3. 3. society in which there is great suffering
  4. 4. energetic
  5. 8. to shut or keep out
  6. 10. a detailed plan for a journey
  7. 11. something that incites
  8. 15. erratic
  9. 16. inciting, stimulating, irritating, or vexing
  10. 17. to feel disgusted