Catching Fire

  1. 3. the thing Katniss has to do to Peeta
  2. 5. 12 of them they went to celebrate the winning tour
  3. 6. Katniss must be in love Peeta to save this person
  4. 7. always drunk
  5. 9. the thing Peeta and Gale do to Katniss
  6. 10. Peeta's stylist
  7. 12. Katniss's stylist
  1. 1. threatens Katniss about her family's life
  2. 2. the thing Katniss and Peeta do for rue and thresh's family
  3. 4. goes to the victory tour with Katniss
  4. 8. always wears colored wigs
  5. 11. their man source of transport going to the tour