Catching Fire

  1. 2. Who is the other tribute from Katniss' district sent to the quarter quell?
  2. 3. What type of animal attacks the tributes?
  3. 5. What falls from the sky in the arena?
  4. 8. Who is the ruler that pays Katniss a visit?
  5. 9. Who gets whipped because of poaching?
  6. 10. What type of arena do they go to?
  7. 12. wave What comes up on the beach at the cornucopia and kills a tribute?
  1. 1. What kind of bird was in the arena that mimicked loved ones voices?
  2. 2. What does Mags walk into to die?
  3. 4. What did the gamemakers call the hunger games?
  4. 6. What was happening in district 11?
  5. 7. What flower does the President always wear?
  6. 11. Who is the female main character?