Category 3 - Part II

  1. 2. A type of Convergent Boundary
  2. 3. The height of a geographic feature
  3. 4. A map made out of lines to show elevations
  4. 6. Makes Fault lines and Earthquakes
  5. 7. Plate tectonics divide. Makes a Mid-Ocean Ridge
  6. 10. The Doppler Red Shift Indicates that our universe is _____
  7. 11. A Main Sequence star located near the edge of a disc shaped galaxy
  8. 12. Component of the Universe made out of stars
  1. 1. It has the longest wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum
  2. 2. Stars with high luminosity and low temperature
  3. 5. Plate tectonics collide. Makes mountains
  4. 8. Name given to the lines found in a topographic map
  5. 9. Made out of gas and dust; birthplace of protostar