- 1. The Isrealites escape slavery under the leadership of
- 5. The historical books tell of Isreal's conquest of teh land of
- 6. The post-exillic prophets include Hagai and
- 7. The heart of Isreal's story is told in the first five books of the Bible, called the
- 8. Other less known prophets were considered
- 10. Torah is the Hebrew wod tha means
- 14. There are writing prophets and nonwriting
- 15. The prophetic books tell us about men who loved
- 16. The book of Job explores the problem of good versus
- 17. The Song of Songs is a collection of love songs in the form of
- 19. The Torah is the primary scriptural authority in matters of belief and
- 20. The pre-exillic prophets include Hosea and
- 21. Containing some of the most powerful religious writing in the world, is the prophetic
- 1. Isaiah was a prophet that was considered
- 2. The author of the Book of Ecclesiastes was a
- 3. The exillic prophets include Ezekiel and the unknown author of the Book of
- 4. The Book of Pslams is a collection of religious songs once attributed soley to
- 9. The Book of Proverbs is a collection of writings with advice for living an ordinary life in the spirit of
- 11. The Pentateuch is called the religious masterpiece of the Old
- 12. The Jews refer to these five books as the
- 13. The books of Jonah and Daniel are listed with the prophetic
- 18. Stories like the Creation, and Adam and Eve show us God as a loving