Catholic Church & Feudalism

  1. 3. Mounted warrior, follows chivalry code
  2. 4. a set of spiritual beliefs, values, and practices
  3. 7. Medieval land and loyalty exchange system
  4. 9. Manor laborer, provides resources
  5. 11. Receives land, serves and protects lord
  6. 12. Medieval knightly sport, lance combat
  7. 13. Knightly code of honor and courtesy
  8. 14. Large estate with lord's house
  9. 16. When a person declares their belief in God and the church
  10. 19. Ritual where a man becomes a priest
  11. 20. Part of Mass where the bread and wine are consecrated (blessed)
  1. 1. a journey to a holy site
  2. 2. Confession of sins to receive forgiveness
  3. 5. Anointing a person near death with holy oil by a priest
  4. 6. the Christian church headed by the pope in Rome
  5. 8. When a person is cleansed of sin and brought into the church
  6. 10. Formal union of a couple by the Church
  7. 15. Fortified structure for defense
  8. 17. Noble landowner, grants land to vassals
  9. 18. Protective ditch around castle