
  1. 3. mixed breed. Cross-bred, or random bred cat.
  2. 6. mating a pedigree cat of one breed to a cat of a different breed or type to strengthen or improve the breed or introduce new traits.
  3. 8. a cross between 2 different breeds, species, or subspecies.
  4. 10. an ex-domestic cat which has reverted to being fully wild.
  5. 11. to remove the testes (neuter).
  6. 12. belonging to a particular breed and having a family tree register.
  7. 13. person responsible for a pet cat.
  8. 14. a castrated male cat.
  1. 1. unneutered male cat.
  2. 2. an animal which has become adapted to humans over many generations.
  3. 4. old term for an un-neutered rule.
  4. 5. mating closely related cats to strengthen desirable traits.
  5. 7. a young cat less than 5 months of age.
  6. 9. mating unrelated individuals to improve type or vigor.