cats cats and more cats

  1. 2. semi-long to long hair, very common cat
  2. 5. hair typically sterling silver with black marking, more than sixty more options
  3. 6. medium-long hair, pale body, darker faces
  4. 7. eyes are a deep, vivid blue
  5. 8. known for the unusual ears (curl backwards)
  6. 10. colors: sable, blue, champagne, platinum
  7. 11. has a soft, wavy coat; many patterns
  1. 1. colors can be red point, cream point, lynx point, tortie point
  2. 3. Grow soft,silky hair which is medium in length
  3. 4. three colors: silver w/ charcoal, bronze w/ dark brown or black, smoke gray w/ black
  4. 9. no hair except for down, colors can be any combination