- 3. - You might find me if you go on an Easter hunt
- 4. - You might eat candy on Easter but rabbit's eat ______
- 6. - A young rabbit
- 8. - color of baby chicks
- 10. - Container for treats left by the Easter Bunny
- 11. - A very common dish for an Easter dinner
- 12. - A sweet treat often eaten on Easter that comes in many shapes and sizes
- 14. - A popular Easter treat made of marshmallows
- 16. - What are candy filled Easter Eggs made of?
- 1. - I begin after Winter ends
- 2. - Bean shaped candy
- 5. - I'm always Easter day
- 7. - term for when baby chicks break out of their egg
- 9. - I come in many colors and start to bloom in Spring
- 11. - Mother of baby chicks
- 13. - Rabbits don't jump they ___
- 15. - You might use me to decorate an egg
- 17. - I'm usually a baby sheep but on Easter I'm made of butter