Cattle breeding and reproduction

  1. 2. Exotic organism causing abortion
  2. 3. Systemically ill with a uterine infection
  3. 5. The pushing of the fetus back out the pelvis to facilitate other corrective steps
  4. 6. Post-calving condition seen in high producing
  5. 9. Drug used to induce parturition
  6. 11. When there is an abortion after 5 months
  7. 12. The surgical removal of a fetus via laparohysterotomy
  8. 14. The female of heterosexual twins
  9. 15. The manual or mechanically assisted removal of the calf through traction
  10. 18. Spirochete responsible for abortion storms
  11. 19. Describes the relationship of extremities with respect to the body of the fetus
  12. 20. The rotation of the fetus on its transverse axis
  13. 26. Fetal orientation based on the relationship of the dorsum of the fetus to the quadrants of the maternal pelvis
  14. 28. A pre disposing factor for uterine prolapse
  15. 29. This is a disease spread by sexual contact
  16. 31. The reduction and removal of the fetus by division and removal of extremities and sections
  1. 1. Describes fetal orientation by the relationship of the spinal axis of the fetus to that of the dam
  2. 4. Dropsical condition caused by foetal abnormalities
  3. 7. Occurs at 24-40 days gestation
  4. 8. Palpable from day 75 on rectal exam
  5. 10. A difficult birth
  6. 13. The turning of the fetus on its long axis
  7. 16. Dropsical condition caused by placental abnormalities
  8. 17. Post partum negative energy balance isassociated with this
  9. 21. Normal calf presentation during parturition
  10. 22. The main pregnancy hormone in maternal circulation
  11. 23. Transrectal ultrasound is most accurate from _ days
  12. 24. A sedative the should not be used in late-term pregnancy
  13. 25. A common complication during late gestation
  14. 27. A complication of uterine torsion
  15. 30. Local anaesthetic technique used during calving