Causes of 19th Century Imperialism

  1. 2. a colonial government in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status; easier access to resources, cheaper, and affected local culture less
  2. 4. 1500s - European nations set up trading posts and colonies in Asia, Africa, and America.
  3. 5. a cultural motive of imperialism; the belief that race determines traits and capabilities and that particular races are superior to others in this regard
  4. 6. a cultural motive of imperialism; this was a civilizing mission
  5. 7. rule colonial government in which local elites were removed from power and replaced by a new set of officials brought from the colonizing country
  1. 1. extension of a nation's power over other lands
  2. 3. The late-nineteenth-century drive by European countries to create vast political and economic empires abroad, seeking markets and raw materials for industrialized economies.