  1. 2. a type of offender that commits multiple offenses and is considered part a small group of wrongdoers in society
  2. 3. this type of course and/or theory of criminology is based on the belief that behavioral patterns developed in childbood
  3. 5. a subdivision that exists within the dominant culture and has its own standards of behavior and/or norms that might be different from the larger society
  4. 7. a theory that sees criminal and delinquent behavior as the result of social forces, biological, and psychological
  5. 11. this piece of legislation and/or bill requires local law enforcement agencies to conduct background checks of potential purchasers of a handgun
  6. 12. this theory assumes that crime is the result of frustration felt by individuals who cannot reach their financial and personal goals in society
  7. 13. a theory that believes that delinquents and criminals must be taught both the practical and emotional skills necessary to partake in illegal activity
  1. 1. a theory that holds that wrongdoers act as if they weigh the possible benefits of criminal or delinquent activity against the expected costs of being arrested
  2. 4. this type of criminology is based on the belief that individuals have free will to engage in any behavior, including criminal behavior
  3. 6. the scientific study of crime and the causes of criminal behavior
  4. 8. the individual (last name) that is considered the be the genesis of social conflict theory
  5. 9. a theory that assumes that an individual has the potential to commit criminal behavior, but are restrained by the damage these actions to case to the relationship of a family
  6. 10. a theory where society creates crime and criminals by identifying certain behavior and certain people as deviant