- 3. a place where guns are stored
- 5. national, belonging to the whole country
- 8. Land owned by the United States, but not owned by a state
- 9. the act of withdrawing from the Union
- 10. strong feelings for your country
- 11. to withdraw from a union
- 12. refers to the Confederate States of America
- 14. a strong feeling for your region of the country instead of the country as a whole
- 15. to reach an agreement by both sides giving something up
- 16. People who snuck into Kansas and voted illegally
- 1. person who wants to abolish slavery
- 2. the new country founded by the Southern states when they left the United States.
- 4. right to vote
- 6. a runaway
- 7. North, U.S. Republic, Federals- All refer to the United States or North
- 12. Act of giving something up
- 13. a war between groups in the same country