Causes of the Civil War

  1. 3. a place where guns are stored
  2. 5. national, belonging to the whole country
  3. 8. Land owned by the United States, but not owned by a state
  4. 9. the act of withdrawing from the Union
  5. 10. strong feelings for your country
  6. 11. to withdraw from a union
  7. 12. refers to the Confederate States of America
  8. 14. a strong feeling for your region of the country instead of the country as a whole
  9. 15. to reach an agreement by both sides giving something up
  10. 16. People who snuck into Kansas and voted illegally
  1. 1. person who wants to abolish slavery
  2. 2. the new country founded by the Southern states when they left the United States.
  3. 4. right to vote
  4. 6. a runaway
  5. 7. North, U.S. Republic, Federals- All refer to the United States or North
  6. 12. Act of giving something up
  7. 13. a war between groups in the same country