Causes of the Civil War- Ch.21

  1. 4. He was beat up in Congress (last name)
  2. 5. To quit or withdraw
  3. 10. The first state to secede
  4. 11. The north
  5. 13. The south
  6. 14. The machine that caused slavery to thrive
  7. 15. A court case about this person decided slaves are property
  8. 16. A war between people from the SAME country
  9. 17. Admitted Maine (free state) and Missouri (slave state)
  10. 19. To make something in large quantities by machine
  1. 1. He beat someone up in Congress (last name)
  2. 2. The Compromise of 1850 banned selling slaves in…
  3. 3. A person who tries to run away or escape
  4. 6. Described the horrors of slavery and angered the South
  5. 7. A large farm
  6. 8. The debate in 1858 made this man famous. (last name)
  7. 9. A person who wants to get rid of slavery
  8. 12. A cash crop grown in the South
  9. 18. This territory got to VOTE on slavery