Causes of Vietnam War

  1. 2. What location did North Vietnam attack to aggravate the United States?
  2. 9. What was the first Asian Nation to fall to communism?
  3. 11. Which President sent a half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?
  4. 12. Who was the leader of the Vietnamese resistance movement?
  5. 13. What group within South Vietnam attacked South Vietnam?
  6. 14. What other location dealt with the Domino Theory?
  7. 15. The conflict in Vietnam that developed following the French defeat can best be described as this type of War.
  1. 1. What gave the US the authority to wage war on North Vietnam?
  2. 3. What parallel did Vietnam split between?
  3. 4. Describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam.
  4. 5. What did communism provide for everyone except government officials?
  5. 6. What was the name of the location that the Vietminh won the battle against the French?
  6. 7. Who was the leader of South Vietnam?
  7. 8. What political system ruled South Vietnam?
  8. 10. What was the theory of Communism spreading called?