CBC Lab Week 2015

  1. 4. Lab Information Highway
  2. 8. Hats off to accreditation
  3. 9. Blood containers
  4. 11. The steps to testing
  5. 12. Counting cells
  6. 13. Bananas over you
  7. 16. The Hump Day King
  8. 18. Lab Director
  1. 1. The questions before the answers
  2. 2. Best Germ fighter
  3. 3. Get to the Point
  4. 5. Capillary blood action
  5. 6. Life center of cells
  6. 7. Bacteria fighting superheroes
  7. 10. And the heart beat goes on
  8. 11. Clotting quilters
  9. 14. Sweet or Not
  10. 15. Physician Computer System
  11. 17. Not Zelda's type
  12. 18. The Great Protection Barrier