CBH Mental Health

  1. 1. Progressive Muscle relaxation
  2. 5. the process of sobriety
  3. 8. the best way to decrease anxiety
  4. 9. negative, judgmental and/or discriminatory attitudes towards mental health challenges and those who live with them.
  5. 10. Mary K Shell
  6. 11. a way to deal with stress
  7. 14. Doctor who prescribes medication
  8. 15. the most important organ for optimum mental health
  9. 16. Correctional Behavioral Health
  10. 18. Professional who provides talk therapy
  11. 19. feeling stressed or overwhelmed
  1. 1. Licensed by the Stated to provide assessments and evaluations
  2. 2. feeling low energy, motivation or sadness
  3. 3. a technique which uses our five senses to relax
  4. 4. the number one way to decrease depression
  5. 6. Crisis Walk In Clinic
  6. 7. a place to house when feeling suicidal
  7. 12. abbreviation for Psychiatrist
  8. 13. overwhelming feelings of tension due to emotional pressure
  9. 17. Mental health IS physical______