- 2. another word for squash
- 4. bailed to feed cows and other farm animals
- 7. Big Bird is this color
- 8. mostly taken on the farm often to get pumpkins
- 11. leaves make this sound in the fall
- 12. fall is the time to _____ crops
- 13. American as this kind of pie
- 14. apple _____is a common fall drink
- 18. has no brain in the wizard of Oz
- 20. big yellow fall flower
- 1. a seed of the oak tree
- 3. Pumpkins are this color
- 5. stalk where the corn grows
- 6. corn _____ is popular this time of year
- 9. Orange fruit used in pie
- 10. will need this if you go outside in the fall
- 14. leaves change ______in fall
- 15. Happy_____ y'all
- 16. Clifford the dog is this color
- 17. Used to clean up leaves
- 19. Harvest______ is often seen in the fall