
  1. 2. Movement often accompanied by music during celebrations
  2. 3. Inspirational shout during combat
  3. 5. Cultural legacy passed down through generations
  4. 9. Act of remembering significant events like Cinco de Mayo
  5. 11. Historic struggle for independence
  6. 12. Integral part of Cinco de Mayo celebrations
  7. 16. Joyous occasion
  8. 18. Love for one's country
  9. 19. Spirit of celebration
  1. 1. Period of significant change
  2. 4. Triumph over adversity
  3. 5. Occasion marked by festivities
  4. 6. Quality admired in soldiers and leaders
  5. 7. Recreation of historic events like the Battle of Puebla
  6. 8. Trait exhibited by those involved in historic battles
  7. 10. Rhythms and melodies enjoyed during Cinco de Mayo
  8. 13. Respect and admiration for those who fought for freedom
  9. 14. Strength in overcoming challenges
  10. 15. Principle of freedom celebrated on Cinco de Mayo
  11. 17. Activity often enjoyed on Cinco de Mayo