CCC week 3 - 29/09/2022

  1. 2. Hugo and Clio both peeled fruit (4)
  2. 5. Hate seeing criminal doesn't eat it (11)
  3. 10. Bosom buddy nasty to Samuel (4,4)
  4. 12. Revolting gherkin's true reason to refuse grub? (6,6)
  5. 13. Protest by student is hard to crush (8)
  6. 17. Eel slipping off line - this could be good for kippers (8,4)
  1. 1. Recklessly I tap rifle - why take foolish risk? (4,4,4)
  2. 3. Press one criminal for answer (8)
  3. 4. Labyrinth is made from corn, I hear (4)
  4. 6. Take bites noisily (6)
  5. 7. adult wearing nothing (4)
  6. 8. Relative turned up in Greece inexplicably (5)
  7. 9. Deer is vocal about whipped dessert (6)
  8. 11. I am upset about fashionable skirt (4)
  9. 14. Took a picture capturing animal (5)
  10. 15. Certain coastal area is on the radio (4)
  11. 16. The Queen inhales the air (5)