Cc's Among Us Crossword

  1. 3. if you put a leaf on this color, it is a sapling in dirt
  2. 4. the button in cafeteria
  3. 8. the task that is in shields
  4. 9. what impostors do to crewmates
  5. 10. where you shoot asteroids
  6. 12. the place where you do simon says
  7. 14. tasks in here: wires, trash
  8. 15. the place to fix comms
  9. 18. the color you are after you kill
  10. 20. the place where you do cardswipe
  1. 1. only impostors can do this
  2. 2. where a lot of deaths happen
  3. 5. i navigate
  4. 6. the innocents
  5. 7. reporting your own kill
  6. 11. short for purple
  7. 13. light blue
  8. 16. doctors office
  9. 17. the place where you empty the leaves
  10. 19. the purest color in the lobby