CE 5, 10

  1. 2. The type of political party system we have here in the US
  2. 8. A group that raises money for candidates with whom they agree (PAC)
  3. 9. Representatives who hold office
  4. 10. The other parties in the US political system
  5. 13. Most voters identify this way (middle of the road)
  6. 14. The attempt of the government to address social or public issues through laws
  7. 16. Raising money for political campaigns
  8. 18. A news article that gives the opinion of the author
  9. 19. Mass communication (TV, Internet, Radio, Magazines)
  10. 22. Another word for voters
  11. 23. Prejudice towards something
  1. 1. The political party who believe that it's ok for the government to get involved as long as it promotes the general welfare
  2. 3. A political party's beliefs
  3. 4. The word for "left" on the political spectrum
  4. 5. To closely watch
  5. 6. Those who run for office
  6. 7. A group that focuses on a single issue and advocate for that single issue
  7. 11. Finding candidates to nominate
  8. 12. Trying to get elected
  9. 15. The word for "Right" on the political spectrum
  10. 17. The word for when you choose one candidate to run
  11. 20. Any information that can be used in an attempt to sway other's opinions
  12. 21. The political party who tend to believe in less government involvement in people's lives