CEE166- Environmental Law

  1. 1. This law regulates reclamation of mining impacted sites
  2. 3. An Environmental [Blank] Statement is required by NEPA
  3. 4. Top organic hazardous substance according to ATSDR/CERCLA
  4. 5. Number of steps in the Superfund Remedial Process
  5. 7. Regulates and tracks industrial chemicals produced or imported into the US.
  6. 8. Antimicrobial resistance genes.
  7. 13. Per- and polyfluorinated substances, also known as forever chemicals. More than 12,000 individual compounds.
  8. 14. This law establishes primary and secondary drinking water standards.
  9. 16. Top priority hazardous substance according to ATSDR/CERCLA
  10. 18. RCRA regulates Hazardous Waste from [Blank] to grave
  1. 1. Another name for CERCLA
  2. 2. The author of Silent Spring who started awareness about ecological and environmental health impacts of DDT and other chemicals.
  3. 6. This river burned because of chemical releases in the 1960s
  4. 9. Pollutant previously used in gasoline and paint.
  5. 10. 1 in 1,000,000,000
  6. 11. Maximum Contaminant Level
  7. 12. First Environmental Law in the US
  8. 15. Number of air quality pollutants regulated by NAAQS
  9. 17. Type of contaminants that do not have detectable health effects or cause aesthetic concerns, part of CWA.