Celebrating 400 Years of French in Ontario

  1. 2. The descendants of French and Aboriginal Ancestors
  2. 6. Travelled with Champlain, also a French explorer
  3. 7. Province with second largest francophone population
  4. 10. 2nd settlement in Canada
  5. 13. Largest credit union association in North America, founded by Alphonse ______
  6. 14. Founder of Quebec City
  7. 17. First Nation Tribe
  8. 19. Someone who is able to speak two languages
  9. 20. King ______ IV (Commissioned discovery of Canada)
  1. 1. Original president of ACFEO (French Canadian Education Association)
  2. 3. Jacques _______ , French explorer
  3. 4. First Nation Tribe
  4. 5. France Canada, before it was "Canada"
  5. 8. French television channel
  6. 9. A person who speaks french
  7. 11. French radio station
  8. 12. Canada's second official language
  9. 15. Brunswick Province with third largest francophone population
  10. 16. French Canadian residing in the Maritime Provinces
  11. 18. Province with largest population of francophones