  1. 2. planet that sustain life
  2. 4. the movement of planets around the sun
  3. 5. planets rotate on its ____
  4. 7. planets are large and gaseous
  5. 10. known as ice giant
  6. 13. planets that have rocky surface.
  7. 15. has colored ring around it
  1. 1. the red planet
  2. 3. a small or big rocky object and the belt between Mars and jupiter
  3. 6. icy object from the space and enter the Earth's atmosphere
  4. 8. the farthest planet from the sun
  5. 9. have red spot on it.
  6. 11. the nearest planet om the sun
  7. 12. a planet that called evening star or morning star
  8. 14. the extremely hot bigger star in our solar system