Celestial Bodies

  1. 1. A chunk of rock or dust in space, generally smaller than an asteroid...
  2. 3. unit of average distance between sun & Earth, equal to 150,000,000km
  3. 5. Range in size of a few feet to 600 miles wide
  4. 7. orbits the sun between Mars & Jupiter
  5. 8. system that includes the sun, planets, moons & variety of smaller objects
  6. 9. Leaves a fiery streak as it burns up in our atmosphere
  1. 1. A meteoroid that that survives passage thru the atmosphere & lands on Earth's surface.
  2. 2. Name given to the 4 outer planets, Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
  3. 4. Name given to the 4 inner planets, Mercury Venus Earth Mars
  4. 6. cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit the Sun