Cell Membrane Crossword

  1. 2. Another name for a carbohydrate chain
  2. 6. A cell membrane is found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?
  3. 7. The cell membrane controls the __________ of materials both into and out of the cell.
  4. 9. Recognizes chemical ________ (messages) which will trigger the cell to react in a particular way
  5. 11. Proteins that communicate information from outside the cell to inside the cell
  6. 14. The cell membrane is made up of a double layer of “___________”
  7. 16. A _________ chain acts as an identifier and distinguishes types of cells from each other
  8. 17. This molecule prevents fatty acid chains from sticking together in the cell membrane
  1. 1. Proteins embedded within the membrane because most molecules cannot easily pass through the “water-fearing” lipid tails
  2. 3. Which macromolecule makes up the tail of a phospholipid?
  3. 4. Phospholipids have _________ heads, meaning they are water-loving
  4. 5. When a molecule of the same ______ fits into the receptor, it causes a response inside the cell to occur
  5. 8. Proteins shaped like tubes and form a channel through the cell membrane
  6. 10. The “water-fearing” lipid tails face ____ ______ on the inside of the membrane
  7. 12. The cell membrane is considered selectively __________, which means that some molecules can pass through, and some molecules cannot
  8. 13. The cell (plasma) membrane is referred to as a ______-_____ model
  9. 15. The cell membrane maintains ________ both inside and outside the cell