Cell organelles

  1. 3. Is is a collective term for the cytosol (soup where most of the cellular metabolism occurs)plus the organelles suspended.
  2. 4. provides the energy a cell needs to move and divide. They are the power centers of the cell.
  3. 5. It performs photosynthesis processes.
  4. 7. Lipids and steroid hormones synthesis are some of their
  5. 8. It contains the DNA and genes.
  6. 9. its purpose is motility in some bacteria.
  7. 10. It produces ribosomes.
  1. 1. apparatus is essential in packing macromolecules for transport elsewhere in the cell.
  2. 2. they carry out protein synthesis.
  3. 3. It is a layer of polysaccharide that protects the bacterial cell and is often associated with pathogenic bacteria.
  4. 5. It manages the entrance and exits of molecules in the cell.
  5. 6. They contain hydrolytic enzymes necessary for intracellular digestion.