cell organelles and plant tissue

  1. 3. this tissue is the veins and arteries of the plant
  2. 4. this is the "brains" of the cell. It tells the other organelles what to do in the cell
  3. 8. this organelle is inside the nucleus and it synthesizes DNA
  4. 13. this organelle is used to make some cells move
  5. 14. the cell ________ is the semi-permeable organelle that allows certain things to enter the cell
  6. 15. these organelles are the powerhouses of the cells
  7. 16. this is the jellylike substance that fills the cell.
  1. 1. tissue that makes up the bulk of the plant. They fill the spaces between dermal and vascular cells
  2. 2. this organelle digests the cellular structures that are no longer needed
  3. 5. this organelle aids in the process of cell division
  4. 6. these structures retain waste and store food for the cells
  5. 7. moves water and nutrients in the plant cell
  6. 9. this organelle is where photosynthesis takes place
  7. 10. the cell _____ is the organelle that gives the cell its structure and rigidity
  8. 11. the ______ tissue is like the plants skin. it also makes up the plants root tips
  9. 12. moves food within the cell
  10. 16. this is what gives plant cells their green color