Cell Organelles Review

  1. 5. cell with a nucleus
  2. 6. example of a prokaryote
  3. 7. organism made of one cell
  4. 10. gel-like fluid where the organelles are found
  5. 11. Golgi ____ packages and ships proteins
  6. 13. stores water within the cell
  7. 14. organelle responsible for photosynthesis
  8. 16. endoplasmic _______ responsible for transport of proteins in the cell
  9. 17. specialized structure within a cell
  10. 18. digests worn out cell organelles
  1. 1. cell without a nucleus
  2. 2. control center of the cell
  3. 3. cell type that contains a cell wall and chloroplast
  4. 4. organism made of two or more cells
  5. 8. organelle that produces ATP
  6. 9. cell______ surrounds and protects the cell
  7. 10. provides structure and shape of the cell
  8. 12. cell _____ is the outer boundary of a plant cell
  9. 15. makes proteins