Cell processes Katelynn/KEY

  1. 3. thin walled tube that extends from the larynx to th ebronchi
  2. 5. a tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange in blood vessels and tissue
  3. 6. thin walled capillary rich sac in the lungs
  4. 8. a blood vessel that carries blood away
  5. 9. the part of the respiratory system between the pharynx and the trachea
  6. 10. system a network of organs and tissues
  7. 12. system a collection of organs whose primary function is to take in oxygen
  1. 1. the part of the respiratory system that extends from the mouth to the larnx
  2. 2. node small bean shaped masses of tissues that collect the fluid that leaks from blood
  3. 4. the fluid that carries gases
  4. 5. organism that eats animals
  5. 7. one of the two main branches of the tra that lead directy to the lungs
  6. 11. in biology a vessel that carries blood to the heart