Cell Theory

  1. 2. The powerhouse of the cell.(power)
  2. 6. Turns sunlight into energy(plant)
  3. 7. Encapsulates all the other organelles
  4. 8. Found only in plant cells which gives the plant green color(paint)
  5. 12. İs only found in plant cells and they contain nucleoids.(mitochondria of plants)
  6. 14. İs a complicated cell (You)
  7. 16. The organelle that holds DNA.(the brain)
  1. 1. Offers support for the cell (skeleton)
  2. 3. Helps separate chromosomes(in most eukaryotic cells)
  3. 4. Helps shape the cell (has more than one function)
  4. 5. Has 2 types of itself in 1 cell(transport)
  5. 9. Helps the cell digest (suicide)
  6. 10. İs a simple cell (bacteria)
  7. 11. Repairing damaged proteins(Proteins) golgiapparatus The post office of the cell(sort)
  8. 13. Found only in plant cells help strengthen and protect the cell(wall)
  9. 15. Helps maintain the pH lvl of the cell(fluid)