Cell Theory

  1. 3. Made up of many cells.
  2. 4. Eukaryotes have one and prokaryotes don't.
  3. 6. Observed cork cells under microscope
  4. 7. the genetic material in the nucleus of a cell.
  5. 11. Discovered that plants were made of cells.
  6. 12. What Van Leeuwenhoek called protists he saw.
  7. 15. The tiny organs in the cell.
  8. 19. Book published by Robert Hooke.
  1. 1. Made up of only one cell.
  2. 2. The 3 ideas we know to be true about cells.
  3. 5. Cell like bacteria that has no nucleus.
  4. 8. The cell is the __________ unit of life.
  5. 9. Concluded that animals were made of cells.
  6. 10. Means little room in Latin
  7. 13. All __________ things are made of cells.
  8. 14. Eukaryotic cells are ______ than prokaryotic cells
  9. 16. Cell with nucleus containing DNA.
  10. 17. All cells come from cells that are _______.
  11. 18. Discovered that cells come from other cells.