Cell Wars

  1. 2. protein cell of a virus
  2. 4. kind of looks like a twisting ladder
  3. 8. process by which cells absorb molecules by engulfing them
  4. 9. the most common cause of sever diarrhoa
  5. 11. yellow fever, polio and HPV are caused by a type of
  6. 13. an organism's heredity info
  1. 1. single individual particle of a virus
  2. 3. also known as an germ
  3. 5. cellular organelles than contain acid hydrolase enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris
  4. 6. is a large Y shaped protein
  5. 7. marked by protection
  6. 10. biological preparation that improves immunity
  7. 12. short for ribonulenic acid