  1. 1. controls what exits and enters the cell
  2. 4. Aids in feeding and movement
  3. 8. contains all the info a cell needs to grow and function
  4. 9. stores nutrients, water and waste
  5. 12. creates and packages proteins
  6. 17. Breaks down the cell when time to die.
  7. 18. located everywhere inside a cell
  8. 19. powerhouse of the cell,
  9. 20. Several in an animal cell but only one in plant cell.
  1. 2. large round toward the middle of the cell
  2. 3. cellular respiration occurs in this organelle
  3. 5. provides shape, support, and protection for plant cells
  4. 6. Outermost layer of the cell.
  5. 7. provides structure and connects all the organelles
  6. 10. creates and stores ions, has no ribosomes
  7. 11. found in a single cell organism
  8. 13. dissolves acids and sugars
  9. 14. Made out of Fluid, fill the inside of the cell
  10. 15. like the brain of the cell
  11. 16. Builds amino acids chains.