
  1. 4. branch of bio that deals with classification
  2. 8. within the nucleus (ribosomes are made)
  3. 9. site of protein synthesis
  4. 11. taking in of liquid molecules
  5. 14. storage area of water, food, or waste
  6. 15. body packaging and secreting of proteins
  7. 16. have organelles, have a nucleus
  8. 17. site of cellular respiration (makes ATP)
  9. 20. the shriking of thee cell membrane
  10. 21. high concentration to low concentration
  11. 22. control center (contains DNA and RNA)
  12. 23. Envelope surrounds the nucleus (selectively permeable)
  1. 1. low the diffusion of water
  2. 2. Wall rigid structure outside the cell membrane (only in plant)
  3. 3. Transport movement of materials across the membrane
  4. 4. Key tool used to identify organisms already classified by taxonomists
  5. 5. has enzymes which digests waste and worn out cell parts
  6. 6. for cell division
  7. 7. lack organelles, no nucleus
  8. 10. Reticulum folded membrane that transports materials
  9. 12. light energy is charged into chemical energy
  10. 13. taking in of solid molecules
  11. 18. branching diagram
  12. 19. watery material inside cell,hold organelles