  1. 2. The inner membrane for mitochondria has a specific namethat called as _____ .
  2. 6. ________ is diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane such as the plasma membrane is specifically .
  3. 11. Gap junctions is functions to allow communication and can be found in the heart on the area of ________ .
  4. 12. Solution that had largest amount of substances present is called _______ .
  5. 13. Chemical substances that can or nor be present are actually depends on the specific cell typeis related to _______ .
  6. 16. FLUID ____________ is a solution containing small amounts of gases, nutrients, salt, and dissolves wastes .
  7. 20. _______ that have at outside the nucleus and inside teh plasma membrane is cytoplasm .
  8. 22. Cytoplasm have 3 components;the cytosol, inclusions, and ______ .
  9. 24. The structure for ________ can be described as tiny, thin rhombus, or sausage-shaped organelles.
  10. 29. _______ is created to digest food, dispase wastes, reproduce and grow.
  11. 30. Dissolved in the cytosol, which is largely water, are nutrients and avariety of other .
  1. 1. Where did the chromosomes line up?
  2. 3. Nucletides join in a _______ way .
  3. 4. ________ can be found in gap junctions that connected by hollow cylinders composed of proteins .
  4. 5. _______ is a hemogeneous mixture of two or more components .
  5. 7. What is the major building material for cells?
  6. 8. Nutrients and ions can be found in _______ .
  7. 9. PERMEABILITY ___________- means that a barrier allows some substances to pass through it while exclusing others.
  8. 10. _________ is actually pushes solute-containing fluid from higher-pressure area through the filter to the lower pressure.
  9. 14. ________ is the unassisted diffusion of solutes through the plasma membrane .
  10. 15. During what phase the centromenes that have held the chromatids together split?
  11. 17. Generally occurs only areas capillary walls is called ________ .
  12. 18. ________ is a building block to form DNA .
  13. 19. What is the other protein that perform functional roles in the body?
  14. 21. What happen if cytoplasm is not diuded?
  15. 23. Every cell in the body is transport by passive membrane is called _______ .
  16. 25. What process usually begin during late anaphase and completes during telophase?
  17. 26. Key substances for all aspect of cell life is a ______ .
  18. 27. What phase is essentially prophase in reverse?
  19. 28. Nutrients or cell have been stored in inclusions and they include the lipid droplets common in ______ .