- 2. What are enzymes made of?
- 4. What two daughter cells are produced in the end of mitosis
- 6. a medical product made by genetic engineering.
- 12. This type of respiration requires oxygen
- 16. this feature is often found on a bacterial cell for movement
- 17. What is the name given to the movement of diffusion?
- 18. this is a high sugar/salt concentration
- 19. This molecule carries a copy of code for protein synthesis
- 20. _________ cells have the ability to turn into all tissue types
- 22. The appearance of a plant cell when placed in pure water becomes
- 27. These are the building blocks of protein
- 28. At what temperatures do enzymes work best
- 29. bacteria reproduces _________ and quickly.
- 30. What is it called when enzymes breaks down the substance
- 1. This structure controls balance and muscular co-ordination
- 3. ATP is formed by phosphate and ?
- 5. Guanine joins up with this to create a base pair
- 7. A membrane is what permeable
- 8. the circular piece of DNA in the bacterial cell.
- 9. this stops a plant cell from bursting when placed in water
- 10. This store long uncoiled chromosomes
- 11. This organelle is only present in plant cells
- 13. Fermentation only occurs in the what?
- 14. This is the cause of muscle fatigue
- 15. modified plants been made to resist certain chemicals and ________ so that they can grow stronger increasing yield.
- 21. Protein synthesis takes place in this organelle
- 23. These chemical messengers travel in your blood and bind to receptors
- 24. Active transport gains this from respiration
- 25. cells in a isotonic solution stay the same
- 26. The active site changes shape when it becomes what?